Pollinator Posse

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You’ve likely heard about the recent decline in bee populations. And you probably know that bees and other pollinators play an essential role in food production – making possible, development of all variety of fruits, vegetables, coffee, chocolate, beer and wine and more.  Did you know that you play an important role in helping to support our local native pollinators?!

There are simple actions you can take to provide food, shelter, water and space for a wide variety of beautiful and interesting-to-watch pollinating insects and birds. And the bonus is a beautiful addition to your home landscape.  Join the Pollinator Posse! This introductory level, small, interactive, group learning session put on by the WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardener program will introduce you to our pollinators and the plants upon which they depend. Get ideas on how to start a pollinator garden. This is an introductory workshop. Some movement around the space is involved as this is an interactive event. Space is limited. Registration required. Free. Put on in partnership with Clark County Public Health Green Neighbors Program. Participants will receive flower seeds to take home. Bee the Change.