Camas Public Library 625 NE 4th Ave Camas, WA 98607 United States
Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Light refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms. Catered and/or prepared food may be brought in. If beverages and/snacks are served, the tabletops must be cleaned, the carpet vacuumed, and the garbage stowed in the trash can.
No food or beverages are to be served or prepared in the Second Story Gallery.
Pre-prepared food and coffee/tea preparation is allowed, but other light refreshment preparation in the Library kitchen will require the fee for kitchen use listed in the Fee Schedule. Health department restrictions may apply.
If a not-for-profit group or program is serving light refreshments or using crafting supplies (glue, paint, markers) they must also adhere to a meeting room cleanup inspection by Library staff. If food, stains or spills are discovered on the carpet or tables, the cleaning fee listed in the Fee Schedule will be charged. This fee must be paid before any meeting rooms can be scheduled in the future.
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.